Something light and airy for this week...Entertainment it is then.
Next time you find yourself in Blockbuster and feeling ashamed for walking out with “17 Again” only because it’s a “New Release”, write these down and bask in brilliance.
5 Best Movies of All Time
5. The Godfather Part II. I feel silly saying anything about a movie so widely accepted and critically adored. Suffice it to say....everything you’ve heard/read/seen is true. This is a masterpiece.
Lasting Impression: Justification is dangerous. It creates the illusion that reason has been applied and unreasonable acts can be undertaken, reasonably.
4 Tie. About Last Night. Rob Lowe and Demi Moore fall in love for the first time. How this real love reveals itself to them is more powerful than expected and they react to it in very different ways. Yes it is a relationship movie but it is so much more than that. It is soaring, moving, tragic, frustrating and funny. David Mamet wrote this for the stage but here it is staged beautifully.
Lasting Impression: Love is intoxicating for the fearless young, however it will scar the naive just as quickly
4 Tie. Scarface. Forget that it’s in every Hip Hop library, this was the Godfather for the next generation for a reason. Tony Montana wasn’t a Cuban as much as he was the embodiment of what
Lasting Impression: To have it all you have to risk it all. A grotesque illustration of a man will little morality losing all morality.
3. Beautiful Girls. Parts are uneven and there is flat out misses in this movie, however, when it is right...it is so right. It captures better than any other movie the innate problem with the “relationship male”. Men aspire for the impossible, a mate that is a perfect 10. As long as this is considered “possible” then the “hope” of it in any form keeps the dog futilely chasing cars. “Nothing changes in the Ridge but the season” and men unsettlingly prove it.
Lasting Impression: That the hope in us all is a double edged sword. While looking for something better we may miss what is best.
2. Good Will Hunting. There is a critic in all of us and this was one of those movies that left me saying “I wish I wrote that”. Matt and Ben deserved that Oscar because this script was gorgeous, flawless...perfect. They invite us to gauge the import of potential versus happiness. ”In 1905 there were hundreds of professors renowned for their study of the universe, but it was a ... it was a 26 year old Swiss patent clerk, doing physics in his spare time who changed the world.” If only that were true today, but the boys got it right and made it about the journey…made it about a girl.
Lasting Impression: You may conquer the world, cure cancer, be a captain of industry however none of that speaks to your individual happiness when your head hits your pillow at night.
1. The Shawshank Redemption. You simply don’t get better than this. A great movie is infinitely watchable. I have seen this movie 30 times and it still reveals a new gem worthy of savouring every time. Freeman’s laconic voice-over lines like “Get busy living or get busy dying. You’re damn right!” are pitch perfect and sustenance for your soul.
Lasting Impression: We humans can exist close to Hell as beauty can be found in the darkest of places. Hope finds us all.
3 Best TV Shows of All Time
3. Big Love. It sounds like a chauvinistic paradise to have three wives, each younger and more beautiful than the next. It is not. Take any relationship drama and compound it thrice and you will understand the fraying nature of this beast. Set to the backdrop of fundamentalist Mormon beliefs, you have a thought provoking indictment of all things society tells us to hold dear.
Lasting Impression: Being guided by beliefs can me blinding, difficult, confusing and rewarding...all at the same time.
2. Six Feet Under. Rent/buy these DVD’s people, you will thank me. This HBO series based in a Funeral Home is as dark and as unsettling as you would expect. Unexpected is how you are seated at the table of some of the most indelible characters ever developed on the screen. They still live with me to this day. The most powerful scenes come later when you come to know these people so well that a single glance conveys more than any diatribe could.
Lasting Impression: Our mortal coil is a frail thing. In nature we are insignificant, however to ourselves...we are everything.
1. Seinfeld. The show about nothing, taught us about everything. Life is what happens between all the big events of our lives. The day to day minutiae is humanity. That is where we live and breathe and that is where this 30 minute show takes us. It points a finger and says “stop taking yourself so seriously, it’s just life, have fun!” No show has ever done it better or funnier.
Lasting Impression: You’re not the only one living in your own strange neurotic world.
-Life is complicated and far from perfect but it is still great.
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