These Blogs are sometimes an interesting endeavour. I’ve been told that past ruminations have actually offended some people. Was I really too hard on MJ?
I get lots of suggestions for topics, however I grow a little gun shy of sharing my thoughts on a great many for just that reason. This is a blog attached to a business, a business that hopefully appeals to everyone.
My intent is not to offend people with my thoughts and opinions. I simply wish to entertain and perhaps evoke a response...ideally both.
Astrology is a touchy area for example.
Human Nature 101 is to “believe what you want to believe”. With such an edict intact it is very difficult to change people’s opinions and some people get offended if you tread to closely to those beliefs.
Here is my humble and hopefully thoughtful attempt at exploring the Zodiac.
Years ago I saw a retired Magician on TV, pretending to be a Professor of sorts, walk into a College lecture and inform the class they had fortuitously been chosen for a unique study. All would participate in an elaborate astrological reading done by the very best astrologers in the country.
They took home their forms and filled them out as the information needed was very specific. Required was the time and location of their births to the minute, as well as their parents.
The “Professor” returned 3 weeks later with 3 pages of detailed analysis on each individual. The students sat at their desks and read the fruits of the labour.
The class was a lecture hall and my memory serves that there were approximately 100 students.
After reading their analysis, the students were given 5 categories in which they would grade the accuracy by the show of hands.
VERY POOR. No hands went up.
POOR. No hands went up.
AVERAGE. No hands went up.
GOOD. About 1/3 of the hands went up.
VERY GOOD. About 2/3 of the hands went up.
Pretty conclusive that the job done was spot on based on this result.
The students were then asked to pass their analysis to the person behind them. A few moments later they realized that everyone was given the exact same analysis.
These were not individual works done by renowned astrologists. It was a lone document created by a retired Magician.
This left an impression on me. A very strong impression about the way we humans are. Even more indelible was that some of the students argued afterwards. A few refused to discredit horoscopes at all based on such a display as they recounted instances when they have been correct in the past.
To hear these people talk you would believe they have been objectively scrutinizing the results over the years and concluded the “hits” vastly outweighed the “misses”.
However could it be akin to our propensity to remembering the bad things people say about us, over the good....in reverse?
I simply proffer the question of what is more likely. That every twelfth person on the planet is fantastically bonded in a fatalist journey?
Or that each sign of the zodiac has characteristics...human characteristics that we all have...that we have talked into greater existence?
For example every child is told their Sign. The next progression is to ask what their sign means. If they are a Scorpio they are told they are passionate. If they are Virgo they are told they are analytical. If they are Taurus they are told they are loyal.
Now all humans have the capacity to be passionate, analytical and loyal.
Is it not possible that we are simply positively reinforcing some traits over others?
I tried to locate the video of this TV show to no avail. I did however find a similar one in a smaller class with the same man at the helm. It lacked the set up and punch of the one I am drawing from but it does convey a similar affect.
Copy and Paste
And why the picture of Carment Electra? Well she shares the same April 20th birthday as a man responsible for the deaths of 50 million people.
-Life is complicated and far from perfect but it is still great.
Best argument for this I've seen yet, bru! I guess I'll give up my dream of writing now (Stephen King and HG Wells share my birthday)...