September is an interesting little bugger of a month. It marks the sad end to our already truncated summers here in The Great White North. Having said this, as I write I am enjoying a reprieve poolside with a wee cocktail.
School is back in session for those who still hold hopes for a brighter future. That is if the rest of us stop screwing things up for them. Young girls and boys will again begin the time honoured dance of establishing themselves within their peer groups in much the same way a wolf pack organizes.
There will be posturing by politicians. After all they had the entire summer off and they are fearful we may actually realize how useless and unnecessary they have become. So they’ll puff out their chests, pound the table and display their feathers in an inane attempt to remind us why we need this inept ruling class.
The leaves will slowly turn at the same rate Christmas decorations start to infiltrate the stores.
It also marks the start of arguably the best professional sport, the NFL and judging by the sweatpants and potato chips on any given Sunday...I am not alone.
There will be those who will cling to shorts a little longer in an admirable attempt of denial as to the bane of living above the 44th latitude.
Bumble Bee school buses will appear and multiply as if they have been secretly gestating underground for months...and I will be reminded of my good friend and miss him.
September 11th will once again ubiquitously rear it's ugly head as we now have a moment akin to our parent's and grandparent's recollection of JFK's death. We too remember where we were on that day that looked liked everything may not be alright. And it scared us in a very odd and elemental way.
TV shows begin their new seasons as the drooping sun sends us inside a little earlier each day to rekindle our love affair with our televisions. This is LOST’s last season and unfortunately I have to wait till January for my last ravenous fix.
The “Song of the Summer” is gently placed in the annals for posterity. BTW my vote is for the anthem "I Got a Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas.
September is also the movie studios dumping ground for their refuse that wasn’t entertaining enough for summer fare nor elitist enough for Oscar contention. Usually a Rob Schneider movie would be slotted in this month. It is, however, a good reprieve from the sticky guilt of wasting 3 hours and $9.50 to see Transformers II.
Personally this is the time of year when I reflect on change as a natural segue. I start to plan again and cast my gaze on things to come. The summer is a bawdy time of devil-may-care indulgence, while September reminds us all that there is always work to be done.
We at The Bank couldn’t let the spectre of work crush our collective and kindred spirits.
So we’ve launched a new night at The Bank.
VAULT Thursdays.
We’ve hired the best DJ’s from Toronto and by all accounts these young men are excellent at doing what we still all need....a small deserved respite from all the hard work going into our plans for the future.
For all work and no play...would be missing the entire point.
Let’s make it a great September everybody!
-Life is complicated and far from perfect but it is still great.
Good piece bud...makes me not dislike September so much.