Wednesday, August 12, 2009

HBO Killed "Leave it to Beaver"

The death of the Double Standard has occurred and it happened without a single headline or Oprah episode. The only place the Double Standard still exists, is in the minds of men. Which is about as useful as watching the chimney for Santa to tumble down.

In the were the hunter/gatherers that carried a club in one hand and a woman’s hair in the other. Each was symbolic of conquests, which became intrinsic to our very beings for almost 2 million years. Right up to about 1998.

For almost all of time men were lauded for their acquisition of multiple partners while the women, who were concerned about stability and child rearing, praised monogamy. Put bluntly...if guys got laid they were studs, while the poor women were branded as whores.

Hey, don’t yell at me. I didn’t make the perception. It is what it is...or shall I say...was.

Two things changed everything. Firstly women have finally gotten near equality in pay, allowing them to care for themselves and their offspring, independent of a man. This equalizer gave women the ability to enjoy the thrill and excitement of freshie tube steak, without the need to find one that would support them financially.

Men were now rentable with no purchase necessary.

The second thing needed, was the green light from their peers. June Cleaver was never going to get some new schlong action on the side and be able to show her face at “ Knitting Night”. A women’s sexual veracity was still not getting the high-five love the men had enjoyed for eons so the stigma remained until a little HBO show hit the airwaves in 1998.

That’s right; “Sex in the City” was the green light and the second ingredient necessary to change everything. Women could now have their cake, eat it, bang it, smack it’s ass...then brag about it with their heads held high. Just like a man.

That show so wasn’t about handbags and shoes. It was a show that said “women like sex with multiple partners and are damn proud of it”. No more guilt and remorse, or looking at sexual indulgence as a fatal flaw. Women joined the fray and there is no going back.

So you may ask what hath the last 11 years wrought?


This is not to imply women are at fault for this new found trouble. It is just calling a spade a spade.

You see, we men have always been whores. We have always lusted after women and had two separate lives like George in Seinfeld. There is “Relationship George” and there is “Independent George”. The first lives in the real world while the other guy lives in “Fantasyland”.

Fantasyland is a place where guys try to make magic happen with random ladies, unencumbered by guilt or remorse...unfortunately...even if he is in a relationship.

Guys who live in the jungle also know the rules of this jungle. We only talk of this “imperfectum” in the company of other men and those other men are often ambiguous to the disloyalty and sometimes even enjoy the vicarious ride.

Fantasyland for men seemed like guys doing what guys do. No harm was meant by it and it’s akin to glorified masturbation. I mean who really masturbates to their significant other anyways?! This was just adding a body. All in the name of fun, kinda like riding a rollercoaster...Weeeeeee! And yes...we men can be that dumb.

So that leaves us with trouble. Women were mankind’s last bastion for integrity. They were our anchor of morality and the last thing keeping us attached to the possibility of something profound and real. Now that they have fully entered the ring with us in fantasyland...what chance does monogamy have?

Look around you and at your friends. How many relationships do you covet? Notice how people are marrying later and later in life? She’s a tough scene out there right now people.

When I look around, I see a bit of a Fuckapalooza going on out there and although ignorance is bliss....those lights at fantasyland are getting awfully bright to ignore.


  1. Females are still considered sluts while males are considered studs. (Whores charge a fee so that doesn't fit in at all.)

    The wage gap between genders is still very significant and a single income is barely survivable to raise a child on.

    People should marry later - if at all. Yes fuckapalooza is highly related to the bar scene as a definite after-goal of last call.

    What was your point?
    Sex In The City is about a bunch of women obsessed with men who feel stigmatized by being single. Not liberating at all.

  2. Interesting however, whores/sluts strikes me as a slightly semantic argument and I believe that perception has changed for women about women, leading to a liberation.

    The earnings gap has closed to 15% (stats Can) however many women in higher income brackets have left behind “stay at home mother” status to pursue careers outside the home and are rightly empowered by the independence.

    I agree with your point about Sex in the City and I would add that it allowed women to talk of their sexual conquests in the exact same way as men...hence the liberation.

    Point is...women and men have closed the perception gap on all things.

    Thanks very much for reading and the comment!

  3. Love it (the blog). It's true and changes everything for us and future generations. But it’s certainly not an overall positive shift. Unfortunately the point which may escape some people, is that without someone at the helm fallowing a moral compass (in this case women in general) this area of human interaction will detracted and become less valuable. I think it’s worth pointing out that as men we can not be resentfully nor should this be taken as an insult to women in general. But the admiration we had for women in general for taking the higher ground and holding us to a better standard has lost most of its luster.


  4. I wanna hear more from "Anonymous". I thought it was hot, the way she gave Kinger the gears. Reveal yourself you sexy minx!

    now THAT would be liberating...

  5. Great topic :)

    Let us remember that this dichotomy between the slut and the virtuous woman is both historically constructed and culturally specific. The woman as the ‘angel of the hearth’ originates from Victorian ideals of domesticity; it was the woman’s responsibility to uphold the morals her family and of society. This woman, who represents the paragon of moral virtuosity, was not only forbidden to seek out sex but also to enjoy sex at all. It seems to me that there has been a significant social progression as a result of this ideal being overturned because men are now forced to take responsibility for their sexual indiscretions and misconducts.

    xo Kristina

  6. Looks like King has engaged a clever young lady with some contrarian thoughts. Good stuff. Not sure about “Kristina” being the true identity though…..after all the name is an anagram for “in a skirt”.
    I digress, “…who really masturbates to their significant other anyways?!” is a cute albeit dodgy line to answer. But I guess it’s better than weighing in on “have you ever sucked a cock you didn’t like”.

  7. Great stuff Kristina!
    It'd be fascinating if men do take up the virtuous mantle while women indulge.
    I'm obviously more inclined to believe Fuckapolooza. Having said people who do not deny the truth and govern themselves accordingly still stand a fighting chance.

    And the answer to "Anonymous" is...I tried to Ron Jeremy my own in my youth to no avail so that is a swing and a miss!
