“When the US sneezes, Canada gets a cold”. This cautionary adage is all too true and why we are going to visit the problems to our Southern Border once again.
The US raised its debt ceiling for the 75th time in 50 years, however this statement would lead you to believe it is business as usual, so why all the fuss??
The problem is not “how many”, the problem is “how much”.
Before getting started we must state we care nothing about Democrat vs Republican. Both parties are to blame as well as the Media and the American public. No one is absolved and everyone is complicit. They all had their roles in “Charlie Sheen and the Cocaine Factory”.
Here we go!
The cumulative budget deficits of the US reached $1T by 1980. That is all their annual budget shortfalls combined. Btw $1Trillion is enough money to give every household in American $15,000.
From 1980 to 1995 it had climbed to $5T, an average gain of $0.25T per year.
From 1995 to 2005, it had increased another $3T, an average gain of $0.3T per year.
However in the past 6 years it has increased $6.5T, an average gain of $1.1T per year! Furthermore last year they dug a ditch to the tune of $1.6T and this year the smart money is saying $2T.
Meaning the average American household will go into debt another $8.5T in 7 years! When the movie “Wedding Crashers” came out they owed $120,000 and come this Xmas they will owe $250,000.
Hallmark should be printing cards that say “How did you possibly think you could pay for all this shit?! Merry Christmas -You’re Fucked”
The average American household only earns $50,000 per year before taxes. Do you think they can square a bill that is climbing by $30,000 per year?
How fucked are the Americans? Their “10 year Forecast” (that is 10 years in a row of making up shit like GDP and Inflation to suit their needs) shows the deficit will balloon to $30T ($450,000 per household).
They can’t even fake getting out of this debacle in a decade when they are making the shit up! These are the same people that didn’t see the crash in 2008 coming so let's not pretend they can prognosticate like Nostrodamus.
You can bet the reality would be much, much worse than $30T, luckily the end will come sooner than their forecast.
Politicians to the rescue! Did I say “to the rescue”? I meant “to the TV’s to lie”!
Bringing us to the deal reached to raise the debt ceiling: Cut $2.1T over the next 10 years.
Funny how they say “cut”. They continue to rack up huge deficits every year of the forecast. The “cut” is only a disgustingly lame attempt to lessen how huge.
And how much did these preening monkeys “cut” in the next year (the only time period this Congress and President are assured of being at the helm)?
$0.028T or $28B.
To put that another way…They agreed to a 0.8% “cut” to the budget ($3.9T) in 2012. Not even a single percentage point! That is a “Need a Penny” Cup territory. So instead of spending $3,900,000,000,000, they are going to try and spend..... $3,872,000,000,000. Which is still an INCREASE over this year btw. Please tell us this is a joke.
Unfortunately…no. No, they are not joking.
This deal doesn’t even get to the meat of their feeble so-called cuts until 2016 when 70% of the $2.1T kicks in.
This is officially insanity.
But what the hell, the US has $60T+ in unfunded liabilities thanks to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, what’s another few Trillion more added to the grotesque debt pile.
You know how Americans accept that the 30 year olds of today that are paying into Social Security won’t be getting it? Well guess what…neither will the Baby Boomers. That’s right. The real shocker is this Ponzi scheme won’t even last long enough for them.
The inevitable downgrade of the US Credit Rating by Standard’s and Poors is not surprising, unless you are surprised by how long it has taken and how minimal it is. This is only the “tip of the Iceberg” and the “USS America” is going down.
The US is unsustainable. All levels of Governments are nearing the end. The curtain hiding the mighty Wizard of Oz still has not been fully pulled back by the world to reveal the feeble old man with the shameful levers and pulleys.
The Emperor is wearing no clothes and we are nearing the time his frost bitten ass will affirm this fact.
And so the decline continues….SNAFU
You hit the hammer right on the head my friend! Anybody thinking about 1012 prophecies? Lol.
ReplyDeletewhat lime flavored beer do you sell? what music do you play? what brand of clothes do the people in your pictures wear when they want so badly to "get noticed"? what shows do you watch? your society eats up trends like its your job.. i love how you are jumping on the hater's bandwagon. suddenly its curtains for a whole country? do you even know how sad you sound writing that on a blog of a small down club? i guess your just the voice of social consciousness? did you really need to "get noticed" that badly? the debt is over a long period of time and most of it was gathered from G.W.Bush the village idiot's wars. things have settled down. but i guess you know better...? America going down? please....take a look around you how much of the brands are ours? Enjoy your little financial nose pick session. the beauty of it all is doesnt even matter what you say because your govt clearly plans on sticking around with us... I guess it makes you feel smart to throw out all those facts? you can quote all the facts you like but the USA's financial stability was more at stake during WW I WWII and the depression. yeah so what we have the equivalent of too much "credit card debt" as a country. the avg household debt has gone down and our industries are up, housing market is back, the car industry is thriving, unemployment is up for "unskilled labor" that is a shame but that happens in any country. our infrastructure is solid. the airlines are running in the black. More people are getting college degrees then ever in history. but then you couldnt feel smug if you did your real homework. your so doomsday, if you did anything more then quote the chicken salad of info you accumulated from CNN etc.. you would know this is far from over on the financial front. So we arent getting out of what we wanted to in 10 years we were the ones that used that as a timeline for the debt.. there is no failing when shifting goals to fit present day needs. it took years to get into it we will take the time we want to to get out. but that doesnt sound as much fun to you? say what you want we are stronger then you think. i think its cute that your so bitter, but i wonder why you are? you regurgitate a bunch of facts and parrot a few catch phrases you saw some guy on TV with harry potter glasses say and you try to pass it off as original thought... now whos sad. and by the way its 2012 not 1012 dumb-ass GOD BLESS AMERICA
ReplyDeleteLol marry me honey i like your fire!
ReplyDeleteSophie the US infrastructure is not solid (Graded a D). The US car industry is not thriving (GM and Chrysler). Most of the debt has not be gathered from the Iraq and Afghan wars ($1-2T is far from $14.5T). Household debt has not gone down (Doubled in the past 10 years).
ReplyDeletePlease don't call other people names. We all know they meant to type 2012 (Mayan Prophecy).
Did that chick just complain because this blog uses facts? Nice argument hun. Now go wrap yourself in a blanket/flag and rock yourself to sleep
ReplyDeleteWow did Sophie D go on a rant!! She's trying to say America is in good shape and the first thing she says is what lime flavored beer do we drink here in Canada? It's Bud Light Lime, which is owned by the Belgians. Just like an American taking credit for something that isn't theirs anymore. Oh and the clothes aren't made in America either you silly girl.
ReplyDeletePray that your God educates you because you are not too bright