A tremendous amount can be gained through perspective. A steak in cellophane, for example, does not tell the story of the slaughter house nor the wistful days spent chewing cud nor the evolution of the cow as a species.
For some perspective on the Human Experience let us first construct a large scale "timeline". One so large we could drive it. Highway 400 it is.
The 400 Highway from Barrie to the 401 in T.O. is 74kms long and at an average speed of 100 kms/hr you could traverse the entire length of this (our representative timeline) in 44.5 minutes. About 2 Family Guy episodes if you took out all the commercials.
This will represent the “Known Universe” and the basis for a little perspective.
Known Universe- 13.6B (13,600,000,000) years = 74kms and 44.5 mins. Our entire drive to T.O.
Now for some fun!
Earth - 4.5B years old = 24.5 kms and 14.7 mins. Roughly 1/3 of the trip is how long our beloved blue dot has existed.
Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth - 160M (160,000,000) years = 0.87kms and 30 seconds. That’s right you would cover what would seem a very large time frame in a mere half minute.
Homo sapiens – 200,000 years and counting = 92cm and 0.0375 seconds. Our entire walking upright existence is roughly the length of 1/3 of one white dash on the 400 (yes those are 10’ long) and you would drive by it faster than a blink of an eye. Actually 3X faster than the blink of an eye!
Human Civilization – 15,000 years (this is when we moved out of the caves and started bowing to Moon and Sun Gods) = 6.9cm or about the length of your pointing finger. At this point time has become absurd as it is already doubtful at 100 kms/hr you would even notice something by the road as long as your finger.
The Bible – First draft 1685 years ago = 7mm. Now this distance is half the width of a thumb nail and would be absolutely unnoticeable from our car. To call this a blip would be a remarkable affront to the word "blip".
How Long Ago Did Mankind’s Population Reach 1B – 200 years ago = less than 1mm or a single grain of salt. Also meaning if you live a full life you would be represented by less than half a grain of salt by the side of the 74 km Highway
Rate Mankind Currently Adds 1B to our Population – 12 years…about the width of a human hair.
In conclusion, on our journey to T.O. we of course noticed the time Earth has stood and we absolutely would take notice of the 30 second streak that was the tenure of the Dinos. However, by contrast Homo sapiens existence (less than a meter) would've been missed if we blinked. And our own lives (1/2 mm)...could be categorized under the unfortunate title of "Infinitesimal".
Also, annoyingly, you will have gotten that our population is out of control. It took homo sapiens 200,000 years (3 feet) to get to a number we now add in a scant 12 years (human hair thickness). Whoa.
And finally, for 99.99999990% of this timeline there was no Christianity, no Islam and no Judaism. Meaning most people today use the perception of 7mm to explain all 74 kms. Embarrassingly this perception was conceived well before books even existed (Gutenberg didn't changed that until 1439)
Of course if you are a Creationist then your perspective is the whole thing is 6000 years old...in which case please dismiss everything you just read :)
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