Smoking a cigar is how my friends and I like to start a night out. It’s a great way to get our pump primed and to loosen up the mental dexterity.
This time of year we huddle around a fire and discuss the week that was. Some of it is simply catching up and can be tedious but mostly we talk about the big things that effect us all: The Economy. Religion. Politics.
People will tell you these are topics to be avoided because fundamentally most people have very disparate views at the outset. For example when we talk politics, we don’t want to piss away precious time with a pom-pom flailing cheerleader spewing useless logo loyalty and party platforms.
Politicians by their very self-serving nature are broken so comparing Conservatives to Liberals is as useless as painting walls to distract us from the dog dragging its arse across the carpet.
Do you know what it is I am getting at?
A meaningful conversation is challenging and fulfilling, so you don’t want it high-jacked by disjointed lunacy.
“Georgian Bay used to be under a Himalayan like mountain 1.5 Billion years ago which explains...” only to be cut off with “The earth is only 6000 years old”. Bloody hell
That person is in the wrong group.
Why waste everybody’s time? Why discuss world poverty with most billionaires? A person buying a painted canvas at Sotheby’s for $100 Million is not going to yield fertile ground on this subject. “19,000 kids starve to death a day you say? What a shame. At least I have this $100M painty-bit.”
It’s just better to be around those on the same page. Don’t get me wrong, diversity adds greatly to the depth of a conversation but let’s not have somebody bringing a chainsaw to a vasectomy.
This brings me to The Bank of course.
We go to different bars for different reasons. Sometimes it is to watch a game while enjoying wings, or to have a drink after a hard day at work, or to let loose and meet people we will like.
The Bank was built for the latter.
The Bank is the place we go when we dress up a little and want to engage people on that same page. People that share the idea that their night is for fun not fighting. For being respectful not belligerent. For feeling safe not threatened. For those that want to let loose…not drink to oblivion and vomit stain a poor defenseless bathroom.
I find I have a better time at The Bank then I have ever had at any other bar in any other City. That is not nepotism talking, that is my honest feeling. And it’s not the venue…it’s the people.
It’s really nice being surrounded by people I’d share a cigar with.
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