Has the power of positive thinking run amok? I had a sophisticated person the other day try to “enlighten” me about a book that talks about the power of positivity. We’ll leave the title a secret.
Evidently by sending out positive vibes into the universe, you can attract wealth now.
This is the newest incarnation of an old concept. People have been alledging that good vibes can heal what ails you for eons. There is no scientific facts to support such a theory but it seemed relatively harmless to “put on a happy face”.
But let’s take a bite of the reality sandwich and call this what it really is. Bullshit.
I think it’s gone too far and is no longer innocent smiley-faced delusion.
Hell I’ll even put aside the inference that the sick and the poor are filled with negative energy and thus causing their own dilemma. Remember, two-thirds of the earth’s population doesn’t have enough food to eat. So it would be preposterously pompous for the “manner born” to not only imply such a thing...but to believe it?! Yuck.
All this silliness has pervaded everything we do. We have real problems that require pro-active solutions by serious people. It seems a lot of people have gone from pretending things will turn out great...to actually relying on it.
The Economic crash was not a fluke. It was conceived from eternal optimism. Home values will go up, money will keep rolling in, living beyond our means isn’t a real concern, etc. And we aren't out of the woods by a long shot.
How about the environment? Everything is fine. Sure we have some people pointing out facts (scientists) but we have puppets (politicians) smacking their flippers together thinking this is the prelude to Annie singing “The Sun Will Come Out.....Tomorrow". Meanwhile what is really being done?
I think people need to get their heads out of the clouds. Positivity has gone from harmless to dangerous... and I wish more people would get back to the three R’s. Reason. Reality. Responsibility.
-Life is complicated and far from perfect but it is still great
I agree, very well put!