Monday, June 29, 2009

Irreconcilable Differences

I don’t wish to impugn the man/boy who was called a musical genius by many in the know, but Michael Jackson was a disturbed individual. His accolades and appeal is widely known and it elevated him to one of the most iconic figures of the modern age. He was Jesus Christ popular.

Let’s go over some of the more disturbing accounts and suppositions that were the legacy of the man. We are all aware of his propensity for small children and his lawsuits that were settled even before the circus act of his last ordeal. One child was paid $20 Million back in the early 90’s to settle out of court and that my friends was a lot of money that did not serve as much of a deterrent for his ongoing behaviour.

MJ of course made a lot of money and was able to indulge his odd proclivities such as augmenting his visage. In the end his face was a disaster that alluded to the torment raging within. A nose so reduced that it belonged on a small toy, a chin that was implausibly clefted and dimpled unless you were Kirk Douglas, lips that were tattoo red and eyes that were unnaturally wide for a 50 year old man. All this together gave MJ a ghoulish appearance that he of course hid behind surgical masks as each new surgery healed beyond the veil.

His skin color had turned an odd light grey from years of bleaching. Don’t believe the Vitiligo line he gave Oprah. I have Vitiligo (a patch under my one arm and on the small of my back) and it doesn’t take your entire body from coco to wallpaper paste overnight.

Remember those pieces of white tape he used to ring all his finger nails with? That is because it’s hard to get the bleach under a nail. Therefore the skin underneath beguiled that he was indeed a man of color and not an androgynous Caucasian. Take a look at a picture when the tape wasn’t there and you’ll see what I mean.

His supposed children with their fair flowing hair are of course only his by legality. Debbie Rowe, to whom MJ was married but never had a sexual relationship with, has now confirmed what everyone with any sense knew...MJ was not the biological father. She was artificially inseminated with a decidedly Caucasian donor to further Michael’s obsession with being considered white.

We know the tales of Jesus Juice and pyjama sleep overs; The odd purchase of John Merrick’s remains and impossible diamonds for Liz Taylor; Bobo the chimp, sleeping in hyperbaric chambers and dangling his baby from a balcony; The PR machine that tried to convince us that Neverland was an idyllic oasis for a young at heart Peter Pan and not an individual in need of a team of psychiatrists.

Now that MJ has passed we will start to hear stories that will shock many, however, not many that were paying attention. MJ will of course be found out to be homosexual and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Suitors will begin to come forward and book deals will be signed. Some will be false however many will be righteous and confirm that MJ preferred the company of men.

Once that toxicology report comes out there will be lots of finger pointing. This man was heavily medicated and pharmaceuticals may only be the tip of the iceberg. There will be lots of clamouring about how people close to him let this happen, however, MJ did what MJ wanted and if you were not an were not in his inner circle.

His fortune will most likely turn Elvis-esque, which is to say decades from now it will dwarf whatever it is currently. Elvis makes more in a year these days then his total net worth upon his death. MJ will become a bizarre institution in much the same way.

There are rumours that he has over 100 songs that have never seen the light of day and Tupac has taught us the goldmine that is posthumously released material.

Now that the mortal coil has expired the music will live on less fettered by the irreconcilable lore of that coil. The tug of war between his music and his behaviour will eventually be put to rest, leaving his lifestyle more anecdotal and the music to speak for itself.

It’s an odd story people and in the short term it’s going to get a lot odder.

See you next week!

-Life is complicated and far from perfect but it is still great