Obama put forth his 2012 budget and the dream of “Change” is officially dead. It didn’t happen. He wasn’t what was hoped for. Sorry but that is the hard truth.
Now before Obama-ites who are still too swooned to see the big picture let’s have the disclosures. ALL politicians are terrible generally speaking, Republican and Democrats, no exceptions. Secondly he did inherit a shit storm but that meant Americans more desperately needed drastic change.
The shape of the American Economy is horrific. Gag inducingly horrific. And Obama’s inexplicably lame attempt has been to affix one of those crappy extendable umbrellas to the railing of the Titanic. It’s been useless, useless and ugly.
How horrific is the State of the Union? Their trade imbalance is history making bad, as bad as every debtor nation in the world…combined. The Fed has no room to lower the rate to stimulate. They have to print money to buy their own bonds because no other country will buy them. They lie about their inflation. Their education system is failing. They are dependent on other nations for life sustaining oil AND water. And if you taxed every American 100% they would still have a deficit.
It's Joan of Arc tied to a pillar bad.
The budget for 2012 is $3.7 Trillion. The forecast shortfall is $1.65 Trillion. That is yet another record, third consecutive record shortfall for both the nation and for Obama. Meanwhile underemployment is still near 20% for 2 years running meaning all this spending hasn’t translated to any “jobs” for the masses. How much is a $1.6 Trillion shortfall? Enough to give every American family $30,000... staggering.
Yet here we have Obama doing the rounds telling Americans enough is enough and that they are slashing spending. Is he a bloody comedian now?! He is “forecasting” $1.1 Trillion in “savings” over 10 Years. In 10 Years?! Is he serious? He doesn’t know what’ll be going on in 1 year let alone 5 or the absurd 10. His term could be up after this year. What can he know about the actions of future Presidents and Congresses?
In this year’s budget, the only one that he does have control over, the only budget that actually matters for him…he isn’t going to do a God Damned thing. Actually that isn’t fair. He’s going to make it worse. Now it’s fair. He’s going to make it worse and hide behind offensive claims on the future.
Think I’m being too harsh on Obama’s “forecasts”? Last year he forecasted a shortfall of $1.2 Trillion. It was $1.6 Trillion. He was off by $400B! That is a 33% miss in just 1 year! Hell $400B is a huge chunk of his 10 year fictitious dream.
Other Administrations are no better, Bush couldn’t even see the greatest recession since the depression coming in 2008…in 2007. These guys know nothing about the future. They only know how to lie about the future, doing nothing in the present…while everything is careening off the rails.
There are no “cuts” this year. It’s business as usual. Cook the books down the road. Lie about GDP growth, inflation and interest rates to your advantage and show a rosey future. There! We’re fixing it!
The end result is undeniable. Obama when faced with an inherited shit storm…did nothing. When the big fight was needed over entitlements and defense (more than half the budget) he did nothing. He failed. He didn’t even show up. He was a taller Bush. And the US’s economy and reality became more and more catastrophically unavoidable.